Targeted advertising in Turkey


(5)  Tuana

Targeted Advertising Specialist in Tarsus

Tuana is an expert in targeted advertising, utilizing data-driven strategies to maximize campaign effectiveness. She is proficient in analyzing consumer behavior, identifying target audiences, and creating personalized ad content that resonates with potential customers. With her skills, she can help businesses in Tarsus improve their advertising ROI by up to 50%.

1000 - 5000 TL


(3.7)  Glnur

Targeted Advertising Specialist in Samsun

Glnur is an expert in targeted advertising, utilizing advanced data analysis and market research to create highly effective advertising campaigns. He has a proven track record of delivering results for clients, with a focus on increasing brand awareness and driving sales. Glnur stays up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the advertising industry, ensuring that his clients receive the most innovative and effective solutions.

5000 - 10000 TL


(4.9)  Meltem

Targeted Advertising Specialist in Samsun

Meltem is a highly experienced targeted advertising specialist with a deep understanding of the latest digital marketing trends and technologies. She uses a creative and strategic approach to develop highly effective advertising campaigns that resonate with the target audience. With her expertise in social media marketing, content creation, and campaign analytics, Meltem can help businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals and drive growth. She is fluent in English, Turkish, and German.

500 - 2000 TL