Myofascial release in Turkey


(4.3)  Yahya

Myofascial Release Therapy in Gaziantep

Yahya is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with over 10 years of experience. He uses a unique combination of techniques, including trigger point therapy and deep tissue massage, to release tension and improve mobility. Yahya's approach is tailored to each individual client, ensuring that they receive the best possible care. With Yahya, you can expect to see a significant improvement in your range of motion and overall well-being.

200 - 300 TL


(4)  Nur

Myofascial Release Therapy in Konya

Nur is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist who uses her expertise to help clients achieve pain relief and improved mobility. She is known for her gentle yet effective techniques that target the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. With Nur's help, clients can expect to see a significant reduction in pain and an increase in range of motion. Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the benefits of myofascial release therapy with Nur!

200 - 300 TL


(4.8)  Mahir

Expert Myofascial Release Therapy in Tarsus

Experience the joy of pain relief with Mahir's expert myofascial release therapy! Mahir uses a unique combination of deep tissue massage and stretching techniques to target and release tension in your fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles. With Mahir's therapy, you'll feel a noticeable improvement in your flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being. Don't let muscle pain hold you back any longer - book your appointment with Mahir today!

200 - 300 TL


(3.9)  Ayşe

Myofascial Release Therapy in Konya

Experience the joy of pain relief and improved mobility with Ayşe's expert myofascial release therapy! Ayşe uses a unique combination of deep tissue massage and stretching techniques to target and release tension in the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. With years of experience and a passion for helping clients achieve optimal health, Ayşe is the go-to specialist for myofascial release therapy in Konya.

200 - 300 TL


(3.9)  Soner

Myofascial Release Therapy in Adana

Soner is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with over 10 years of experience. He uses a combination of deep tissue massage and stretching techniques to release tension and improve flexibility. Soner is known for his ability to target specific areas of the body and provide immediate relief. He has a 95% success rate in reducing pain and improving mobility in his clients.

200 - 300 TL


(4.6)  Ebrar

Myofascial Release Therapy in Tarsus

Ebrar is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist who uses a combination of gentle pressure and stretching techniques to release tension and restore mobility. She has a deep understanding of the body's fascial system and is able to target specific areas of tension to provide relief and improve overall well-being. Her clients rave about her ability to provide immediate relief and long-term results.

200 - 300 TL


(4.4)  Hasip

Myofascial Release Therapy in Konya

Hasip is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with over 15 years of experience. He uses a unique combination of deep tissue massage and stretching techniques to release tension and improve mobility. His clients rave about his ability to target specific areas of pain and discomfort, and his gentle yet effective approach.

200 - 300 TL


(4.4)  Zleyha

Myofascial Release Therapy in Bursa

Zleyha is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist who uses her expertise to help clients achieve relief from chronic pain and tension. She uses a combination of gentle, sustained pressure and stretching techniques to release restrictions in the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. With Zleyha's help, clients can expect to see a significant improvement in their range of motion, flexibility, and overall well-being.

200 - 300 TL


(4.2)  Cihan

Myofascial Release Therapy in İzmir

Cihan is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist who uses a unique combination of techniques to help his clients achieve optimal results. He is known for his ability to identify and target specific areas of tension, using gentle yet effective pressure to release restrictions and improve overall mobility. With Cihan, you can expect a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals, all while providing a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. So why wait? Book your appointment with Cihan today and experience the benefits of myofascial release therapy for yourself!

200 - 300 TL


(4.4)  Makbule

Expert Myofascial Release Therapy in Istanbul

Makbule is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with over 10 years of experience. She uses a unique combination of techniques to target and release tension in the fascia, resulting in improved flexibility, reduced pain, and increased range of motion. Her clients rave about her ability to quickly identify problem areas and provide effective relief.

200 - 300 TL


(3.7)  Duygu

Myofascial Release Therapy in Ankara

Duygu is an expert in myofascial release therapy, using her skilled hands to apply gentle, sustained pressure to release tension and improve mobility. She is known for her ability to target specific areas of the body, resulting in a 30% improvement in flexibility and range of motion.

200 - 300 TL


(3.9)  Tahir

Myofascial Release Therapy in Antalya

Tahir is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with years of experience in the field. He uses a combination of gentle pressure and stretching techniques to release tension and restore mobility in the body. His clients rave about his ability to provide immediate relief and long-term results. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the benefits of myofascial release therapy with Tahir!

200 - 300 TL


(4.7)  Asena

Myofascial Release Therapy in Diyarbakır

Asena is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist who uses gentle, sustained pressure to release tightness and tension in the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. This therapy can help improve flexibility, reduce pain, and promote overall wellness. So why wait? Book your appointment today and experience the benefits of myofascial release therapy for yourself!

200 - 300 TL


(3.8)  Nesim

Myofascial Release Therapy in Samsun

Nesim is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with over 10 years of experience. He uses a combination of gentle pressure and stretching techniques to release tension and restore mobility to the fascia. His clients rave about his ability to provide immediate relief and long-term results. With Nesim, you can trust that you're in good hands.

200 - 300 TL


(4)  Mcahit

Myofascial Release Therapy in Kayseri

Mcahit is a highly skilled myofascial release specialist with over 10 years of experience. He uses a combination of deep tissue massage and stretching techniques to release tension and improve flexibility. His clients have reported a 50% reduction in pain and improved range of motion after just a few sessions.

200 - 300 TL


(4.5)  Berrak

Myofascial Release Therapy in

Berrak is a highly skilled and experienced myofascial release specialist. She uses a unique combination of gentle, sustained pressure and stretching techniques to effectively release tension and restore mobility in the fascia. Her approach is tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring a personalized and effective treatment.

200 - 300 TL