Game theory in Turkey


(4.5)  Aslan

Game Theory Specialist in Konya

Ziynet is a highly skilled Game Theory specialist with a proven track record of success. She uses her deep understanding of strategic decision-making to help clients make informed choices and achieve their goals. With a positive and proactive approach, Ziynet is dedicated to providing the best solutions for her clients. Contact her today to learn more and receive a special discount!

1000 - 2000 TL

Dr. Irmak

(4.1)  Dr. Irmak

Game Theory Consultation in Tarsus

Dr. Irmak is a renowned game theory specialist with a proven track record of providing top-notch solutions to complex strategic problems. Her expertise lies in her ability to analyze and predict the behavior of players in various scenarios, enabling her clients to make informed decisions and achieve their desired outcomes. With a deep understanding of game theory principles and a knack for applying them to real-world situations, Dr. Irmak is the go-to expert for anyone seeking to gain a competitive edge in their industry.

500 - 2000 TL


(3.7)  Vural

Game Theory Specialist in Trabzon

Vural is a highly skilled game theory specialist with a proven track record of success. He uses his deep understanding of mathematical models and strategic decision-making to help clients make informed choices and achieve their goals. With a strong background in economics and mathematics, Vural is able to analyze complex situations and provide clear, actionable advice. He is known for his ability to communicate complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand, making him an ideal choice for clients who need to make important decisions quickly.

500 - 1500 TL